Mon conseil aux ressortissants des pays du Maghreb souhaitant poursuivre leurs études à l’étranger Saturday, 20th March 2021

J’ai longtemps hésité avant de rédiger ce billet, mais je pense que le temps est venu de le faire.

J’espère que la présente contribution vous servira de source d’inspiration avant de postuler auprès des universités étrangères.

Random Thoughts About the Federation/Fediverse Saturday, 29th May 2021

Saying goodbye to centralized platforms

My first encounter with federated networks was through Diaspora. At the time, I was already aware of the harm caused by centralized, monopolistic platforms, both in terms of privacy and of power abuse. I had just shut down the Face*k account I was using during the Arab Spring, and started embedding the FSF logo in all my blog posts. My Diaspora account was hosted on an independently run server, a pod in Diaspora's terminology.

How to fix your GRUB menu on a dual-boot machine after installing Windows 10? Friday, 24th December 2020

Everybody's talking about the good old days

I've been a happy Linux user for over 15 years. Back then, my first Linux Distro was Ubuntu.

It's by then that I've discovered the magic of free software and open-source communities.

Resources About Firewall Rules for Linux Friday, 15th March 2021

An e-mail with an apparently harmless attachment. A link to a malicious website. A prepared zip archive with malware, or a payload embedded in a PDF document is all it takes to infiltrate a network.

Beglaubigte Übersetzung gemäß ISO 233 Saturday, 31st March 2018

Bei bestimmten Verwaltungsangelegenheiten verlangen die Behörden und Ämter die Vorlage einer nach den Vorgaben der ISO-Norm 233 angefertigten Übersetzung für die Sprachkombination Arabisch – Deutsch.