Right-to-Left, or Left-to-Right?

@gnufcl@fosstodon.org Sunday, 20th February 2022

In localization, RTL (Right-to-Left) refers to languages that read from right to left, such as Arabic and Hebrew.
As someone who grew up in a bilingual environment, i.e. Arabic and French, making the difference between languages with opposite script directions is the most natural thing in the world. That being said, I recently had an amusing incident that I would like to relate here.

Read more under the following link: https://ka2in.github.io/mydocusaurus/blog/

Das Handbuch der Rechtsterminologie

@gnufcl@fosstodon.org Sunday, 30th January 2022

Das Handbuch der Rechtsterminologie für Deutsch, Arabisch und Französisch.

Erstellt von einem Praktiker für Praktiker. Dieses Nachschlagewerk liefert einige der relevantesten Begriffe in den Bereichen des Straf- und Zivilrechts.

Zwei Besonderheiten bietet dieses Nachschlagewerk seinem Leser:

  • Terminologie in französischer Sprache, insbesondere für die Leser aus dem Maghreb-Raum
  • Für jeden Fachbegriff besteht für Arabisch und Deutsch eine Definition aus der einschlägigen Fachlitertatur (Bücher von Professoren der Rechtswissenschaften, Auszüge von Urteilen und Gerichtsbeschlüssen, Gesetzestexte, etc.)

Mehr dazu unter dem Link: https://ka2in.github.io/mydocusaurus/docs/handbuch

Why putting all your data in Google's basket is not a good idea

@gnufcl@fosstodon.org Saturday, 14th August 2021

Anybody running a business knows the golden rule: “Never put all your eggs in one basket”. In the case of Google, this rule becomes even more important as the following post shows. It all began last weekend while I was updating the business profile on Google MyBusiness. I uploaded some new files and reported a picture before switching to the title section in order to update some data. And then, it suddenly happened: Bam! Account suspended.

The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear...

@gnufcl@fosstodon.org Saturday, 28th August 2021

Gaslighters have only one thing in mind: distort reality through manipulation in order to force a certain outcome. Now, if you happen to have read something about social engineering, you'll notice that gaslighting is just another mental trick for hacking people's judgment and behavior. What's quite disturbing about gaslighting though, is that its perpetrators are manipulative psychopaths hiding behind their masks.

Applying Principles of Object-Oriented Design to Create Information Molecules

@gnufcl@fosstodon.org Monday, 2nd August 2021


Information molecules represent the core elements of the compounds that populate an information 4.0 system. Due to their self-contained character and minimalist nature, information molecules allow for a much greater flexibility in terms of content modeling and information production.

The aim of the present post is to illustrate how the integration of principles of Object-Oriented Design can improve the abstraction level of molecular information, hence increasing the overall efficiency of an information system.